
本系統由 TinyBook 所維護

服務條款及免責聲明 Terms of Service and Disclaimer


(i)     進入場內請脫鞋,以保持地面乾淨整潔,並避免滑倒。

(ii)    嚴禁在場內進行任何明火活動,以確保全體學員的安全。

(iii)   請勿攜帶危險物品進場,且場內禁止吸菸及飲酒。

(iv)   為確保所有學員的安全,請勿大聲喧嘩、奔跑或嬉戲。

(v)    禁止於地墊上進食,以防止食物碎片造成傷害或影響場地衛生。

(vi)   請在參加課程前評估自身身體狀況,避免超過個人極限負荷。請確實進行熱身和冷卻運動,以減少運動相關傷害的風險。

(vii)  所有器材必須在本教室教練的指導下使用。未經許可私自使用將增加受傷風險,因此相關責任需自行承擔。


Welcome to Workout Shilin! To ensure safety and comfort of all students, please read the following precautions carefully:

(i)     Please take off your shoes when entering the venue to keep the ground clean and tidy and to avoid slipping.

(ii)    Any naked flame activities are strictly prohibited in the venue to ensure the safety of all students.

(iii)   Do not bring dangerous items into the venue, and smoking and drinking are prohibited in the venue.

(iv)   To ensure the safety of all students, please do not speak loudly, run or play.

(v)     Eating on the floor mat is prohibited to prevent food debris from causing injury or affecting the sanitation of the venue.

(vi)    Please assess your physical condition before participating in the course to avoid exceeding your personal limit load. Be sure to warm up and cool down to reduce the risk of sports-related injuries.

(vii)   All equipment must be used under the supervision of the coach / instructor. Unauthorized use increases the risk of injury and is therefore at your own risk.






(i)   運動傷害風險:泰拳及拳擊是高強度的運動,可能導致跌倒、撞擊、扭傷、擦傷等意外傷害。儘管我們的教練會竭盡所能提供指導和監督,但無法完全消除這些風險。

(ii)  身體不適風險:參加運動前,請自行評估身體狀況。如果您有任何健康問題或體能限制,建議先諮詢醫生的意見。請在適應自身能力範圍內參與課程,避免過度負荷。

(iii)  器材使用風險:使用泰拳及拳擊器材(如沙袋、護具等)需謹慎。未正確使用這些器材可能導致受傷,請嚴格按照教練的指示進行操作。

(iv)  不可預見的意外:雖然我們會嚴格遵守安全措施,但某些意外情況可能無法預料或控制。這包括其他參與者的行為、或自然因素等。

(v)   財物損失風險:請注意您的個人財物,我們對於您在場內或周邊遺失或損壞的物品,概不負責。



Accidental Risk Statement:

(i)  Risk of sports injuries: Muay Thai and boxing are high-intensity sports that may cause accidental injuries such as falls, impacts, sprains, and abrasions. While our coaches will do their best to provide guidance and supervision, these risks cannot be completely eliminated.
(ii)  Risk of physical discomfort: Please assess your physical condition before participating in sports. If you have any medical conditions or physical limitations, it is recommended to consult your doctor first. Please participate in the course within the scope of your ability to avoid excessive load.
(iii)  Risks in using equipment: Use Muay Thai and boxing equipment (such as sandbags, protective gear, etc.) with caution. Improper use of these equipment may result in injury, please strictly follow the instructions of the instructor.
(iv)  Unforeseen Accidents: While we will strictly observe safety measures, some unforeseen circumstances may not be foreseeable or controllable. This includes the behavior of other participants, or natural factors, etc.
(v)  Risk of loss of property: please be careful with your personal belongings as we will not be responsible for any items lost or damaged by you in or around the venue.





(I)  進入館內開始運動(訓練)課程前務必先自我評估身體狀況,並決定在運動(訓










如您回答問題時,有一個以上的答案是: 「是」, 那應該在開始進行運動(訓練)課程前,先詢問醫生意見,


(II) 若您碰到下列狀況時,請暫緩或考慮停止參與運動(訓練)課程:




(III) 運動會受飲食、睡眠、疾病、壓力等生理、心理因素影響,當運動(訓練)時,身體若感覺不適,應立即

停止運動及 通知教練;休息後若持續感覺不適,應盡速就醫。



Physical Condition and Assessment:


(I) Prior to engaging in any exercise or training activities within the facility, it is essential to assess your own physical condition and consult a medical professional if necessary. Please answer the following questions:

  1. Has a doctor ever told you that you have a heart or lung condition, and only those activities recommended by a doctor should be performed?
  2. Do you experience chest pain during physical activity?
  3. Have you experienced chest pain when not engaging in physical activity in the past few months?
  4. Have you ever lost your balance or consciousness due to dizziness?
  5. Do you have any bone or joint problems that could be exacerbated by physical activity?
  6. Are you taking medication (prescribed by a doctor) for high blood pressure, heart, or lung issues?
  7. Are you pregnant or suspect you might be?
  8. Are you aware of any other reason that might prevent you from safely engaging in exercise?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you should consult a doctor before participating in any exercise or training activities to ensure your safety. Engaging in such activities without proper assessment may lead to unforeseen accidents.

(II) If you experience any of the following conditions, consider postponing or refraining from participating in exercise or training activities:

  1. If you are feeling unwell due to cold, fever, fatigue, mental discomfort, or lack of proper nutrition, wait until your condition improves before exercising.
  2. If you have consumed alcoholic products within the last 8 hours, consult a doctor before participating in exercise or training.


(III) Physical exercise can be influenced by diet, sleep, illness, stress, and other physiological and psychological factors. If you feel uncomfortable during exercise, stop immediately and inform the instructor. If discomfort persists after rest, seek medical attention promptly.





(I) 學員應配合課程設計進行:暖身運動(Warm up) → 主運動(Main movement)

→ 緩和運動(Cool down),整個運動(訓練)課程才算完整,以避免造成運動傷害



(II) 進入館內參與運動(訓練)課程時,應穿著運動服、攜帶毛巾、水壺及適當




(IV) 未成年兒童必須在大人或教練的監護下使用場地及器材。

(V) 使用每一種器材之前,請先閱讀使用說明和安全注意事項,然後正確地使用各種器材。


(VI) 請根據自己目前的身體狀況和承受能力,選擇適合自己使用的器材進行鍛鍊。


(VII) 器材在被使用的過程中,其他人應保持安全距離,請避免發生危險。

(VIII) 本場館規定 :

         1. 禁止攜帶危險物品入場。

         2. 場內禁止吸菸或飲酒,並禁止任何明火事項。

         3. 所有食物及飲料(包括運動飲料)只可在飲食區內食用。

         4. 飲食區外可飲水,但請保持清潔。

         5. 所有垃圾請自行攜帶離開,館內無提供垃圾桶。

         6. 蓄意破壞、盜取場館設備者,除依法嚴辦外,須照價賠償。

         7. 欲於館內進行任何商業相關行為,包含拍攝商業影片或照片,請事先詢問並取得場館同意。

         8. 未經本館書面同意下,任何人士不得於訓練期間進行任何推廣活動及問卷調查。如有發現,


         9. 請勿攜帶貴重物品進入場館。請自行妥善保管重要財物。本會不為任何財物損失負責。

         10. 本場館已辦理公共意外責任險,保險額度依照政府法令規定投保。課程費用不含旅平險與個人意




務必先詳讀與瞭解上述條例,本館透過此運動免責聲明將不負擔任何責任。若學員未遵守以上事項, 因而產生的傷害由使用者本人承擔,本館一概不予負責。如有違反場館內的安全規範, 教練/助教/負責人可隨時糾正; 重大情節者,教練/助教/負責人得即刻停止會員使用場館權力。


Facility Safety Regulations


(I) Participants should follow the structured class design: Warm-up → Main Movement → Cool-down. This ensures a complete exercise routine and minimizes the risk of injury or discomfort. Upon late arrival, participants should perform their own warm-up exercises. Any injuries, losses, or damages resulting from this are the responsibility of the participant.

(II) When participating in exercise or training activities, proper sportswear should be worn, and participants should carry a towel, water bottle, and appropriate equipment.

(III) While classes are designed with intensity in mind, individual fitness and physical conditions vary. Avoid pushing beyond your limits, and if you experience discomfort, notify the instructor for adjustments.

(IV) Children under 12 should use the facility and equipment under the supervision of adults or instructors.

(V) Before using any equipment, read the instructions and safety guidelines. Ensure the equipment is safe to use before proceeding.

(VI) Choose equipment that matches your current physical condition and capacity. If discomfort arises, stop using the equipment and inform the instructor.

(VII) Maintain a safe distance from others while using equipment.

(VIII) Facility regulations include:


  1. Prohibition of dangerous items.
  2. No smoking, alcohol consumption, or open flames.
  3. Food and beverages (including sports drinks) can only be consumed in designated areas.
  4. Drinking water is allowed outside the designated eating area, but cleanliness must be maintained.
  5. Please take all garbage with you, as there are no trash bins provided.
  6. Deliberate damage or theft of facility equipment will be prosecuted and subject to compensation.
  7. Prior approval is required for any commercial activities, including filming or photography for commercial purposes.
  8. No promotion or surveys are allowed without written consent. Violators may be asked to leave without compensation.
  9. Do not bring valuable items into the facility. Take care of your belongings as the facility is not responsible for any loss.
  10. The facility has public liability insurance as required by law, but course fees do not include travel or personal accident insurance. You may purchase these on your own.

The facility's coaches, assistants, and managers will provide reminders and information during classes. However, participants are responsible for thoroughly understanding and abiding by the regulations before participating. The facility assumes no responsibility through this exercise disclaimer. Failure to comply may result in injuries for which participants bear responsibility. If safety regulations are violated, coaches, assistants, or managers have the right to intervene or immediately terminate facility access in severe cases.

In case of any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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