

預約一品項訂金200元 90 分

全部菜單看這裡٩(。・ω・。)و 預約一個品項訂金200元,品項數目請在〖立即預約〗左邊輸入。相關入場及訂金退費規則請在頁面最下方預約須知查看。


  1. 一道甜點最多兩人入場,兩人(不分大人小孩)入場做一道會有個129元的場地費。例如2大1小入場,最少需做2樣點心加一個129元的場地費。一道甜點一個位置,陪同者位置會視現場空間安排。變更人數請提前告知。

  2. 一道甜點預約訂金為200元,訂金於體驗當天會扣除。尾款於現場的支付方式有現金或LINEPAY,尾款超過1500元以上可刷卡。

  3. 如需取消預約,請於預訂前48小時於本網站自行取消,訂金會全額退款。相關訂金退費方式,於取消完成後請聯繫客服LINE:@FUNDIY

  4. 如需更改預約,請於預訂前24小時,聯繫LINE客服詢問,每次預訂以一次更改為限。如需更改預訂品項,請於預訂12小時前聯繫客服LINE:@FUNDIY 現場不接受更換品項。

  5. 12歲以下需家長[全程陪同]及[參與],9歲以下需1位大人陪伴1位小孩、3-5歲請預約平日,目前不開放3歲以下預約。

  6. 場次時間視品項為1.5-2.5小時。請參考:FUNDIY.COM.TW。超時10分鐘內不收費,超時10分鐘以上、30分鐘以內會收取250元的超時費。

  7. 食譜為版權所有,請勿拍照、抄寫或以任何方式攜出。食譜及步驟以場內體驗為限。

  8. 座位會視現場情況安排,大部份是安排坐在旁邊,少部分是面對面,如安排上無法同桌,會連絡告知。

  9. 手作甜點珍貴唯一,本店以提供體驗為目的,成果因人而異。成品敬請小心呵護,離店恕不負責。

  10. 請依照食譜份量拿取食材,如因秤錯、操作失誤或其他原因需拿取超過食譜份量之食材,會依現場標價收取費用。

  11. 場內禁止奔跑嬉戲,行走請小心地滑,且需小心高溫(包含烤箱、電陶爐、微波爐、水龍頭、飲水機、咖啡機、出爐的烤盤、模具等)、小心攪拌機的高速(勿在轉動時將物品或手伸入)、小心尖銳物品及地面高地差等。大人小孩皆須自行負責安全。

  12. 預約9道品項以上需包場,包場細節請洽客服LINE:@FUNDIY

  13. 甜點品項更改請於一天前告知,現場不接受更換項目。

  1. You can have a maximum of two people (no matter kids or adults) if you choose one item and there is a venue fee of NT$129 in this situation. A item a seat, the space for the companion will be arranged based on the available space at the venue. Please inform us in advance if there are any changes in the number of attendees.

  2. The deposit for making a reservation for one item is NT$200. The deposit will be deducted on the day of the experience. The final payment can be made on-site using either cash or LINEPAY, and for amounts exceeding NT$1500, credit card payments are also accepted.

  3. For cancellation, please do so on this website at least 48 hours before your reservation to receive a full refund of the deposit. To request a refund, please reach out to us through LINE: @FUNDIY

  4. For any changes to your reservation, please contact us via LINE at least 24 hours before your reservation. Each reservation allows only one modification. If you need to change the reserved items, please contact us via LINE: @FUNDIY at least 12 hours before the scheduled time. On-site changes will not be accepted.

  5. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by adults throughout the entire process. Children under 9 years old require one adult to accompany one child. For children between 3 to 5 years old, baking sessions are only available on weekdays by appointment. It is not suitable for children under 3 years old.

  6. There are different time limits for different items. Please check this website: FUNDIY.COM.TW If it exceeds 10 minutes, a charge of NT$250 per half hour will be applied.

  7. Recipes are copyrighted, please do not take photos, transcribe, or take it out in any way. The recipe and steps are for in-venue experience only.

  8. Seating arrangements will be made based on the on-site situation. Most of the seats will be arranged side by side, with a few arranged facing each other. If it’s not possible to seat together, we will contact you in advance to inform you.

  9. Handmade desserts are precious and unique. Our studio aims to provide an experiential service, and results may vary from person to person. Please handle the desert/cake with care, as we are not responsible for any issues once they leave the studio.

  10. Please take ingredients according to the recipe’s amount. If, due to incorrect weighing, operational errors, or any other reason, you need to take more ingredients than the recipe specifies, additional charges will be applied based on the in-store pricing.

  11. Running and playing are not allowed inside the studio. Please walk carefully to avoid slipping and be cautious of hot surfaces (including ovens, stovetops, microwaves, faucets, water dispensers, coffee machines, and freshly baked trays or molds), high-speed mixers (do not insert objects or hands while they are in operation), sharp objects, and uneven flooring. Both adults and children are responsible for their own safety.

  12. For reservations of 9 items or more, exclusive booking is required. For details on exclusive booking, please contact our customer service by LINE: @FUNDIY

  13. Changes to dessert items must be notified one day in advance. On-site changes will not be accepted.




*(EN) means English recipes available.



感謝芋見你-Taro Flan Cake- 2.5h (需確認字母,請聯繫客服)

熊熊愛上你-Chocolate Bear Cake (EN)– 2.5h

好幸狐-Happy Fox Flan Cake- 2.5h

繽紛驚喜-Surprise Cake (EN)– 2.5h (需確認字母,請聯繫客服)

太陽出來了-Rainbow Cake- 2h

海鹽焦糖波士頓派-Caramel Cream Pie- 2h

抹茶波士頓派-Matcha Cream Pie- 2h

手繪蛋糕-Paint Your Cake- 2.5h (需確認圖案,請聯繫客服)

夢幻水果千層蛋糕-Fruit Millie Crepe- 2.5h

草莓千層蛋糕-Strawberry Millie Crepe- 2.5h (大約每年11/18-3/15供應)

經典雙層蛋糕-Classic 2-Tier Cake- 2.5h

彩色雙層蛋糕-Colorful 2-Tier Cake- 2.5h

草莓雙層蛋糕-Strawberry 2-Tier Cake- 2.5h (大約每年11/18-3/15供應)

繽紛水果花園-Fruit Garden Cake- 2h


芭娜娜-Banana Cake- 2.5h

咕咕霍夫檸檬蛋糕-Lemon Glazed Cake- 2.5h

甜蜜蜜蜂蜜蛋糕-Honey Cake- 2h


夢幻可麗露-Canele- 2.5h

抹茶達克瓦茲-Matcha Dacquoise- 2.5h

草莓漸層瑪德蓮-Strawberry Madelein- 1.5h

豬豬總柴馬卡龍-Shiba Macaron (EN)– 2.5h

芋泥可麗露-Taro Canele- 2.5h

表情包馬卡龍-Emoji Macaron- 2.5h (平日限定)


蔓越莓燕麥餅乾-Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies- 1.5h

鱷魚皮杏仁瓦片-Almond Brittle- 1.5h

侏儸紀塔皮餅乾-Dinosaur Cookies- 2.5h (平日限定)

愛心千層酥-Puff Pastry Hearts- 2.5h (每年10月-4月 平日限定)

角落抱抱餅乾-Character Cookies- 2.5h

可可園遊會軟餅乾-Chocolate Soft Cookies- 1.5h

聖誕餅乾盒-Xmas Cookie Box- 2.5h (數量有限,需提前預訂)


I♥NY-Classic Cheesecake- 2h

Oreo 起司蛋糕-Oreo Cheesecake- 2.5h

微醺咖啡起司蛋糕-Coffee Cheesecake- 2h

紅心皇后-Raw Strawberry Cheesecake- 2h (大約每年11/18-3/15供應)

青青寶貝-Raw Grape Cheesecake- 2h (大約每年3/15-5/30;8/15-11/17供應)


帶我走-Classic Tiramisu- 2h

甜蜜旅程-Chocolate Tiramisu- 2h

抹茶與紅豆-Matcha Tiramisu- 2h

草莓熊-Strawberry Tiramisu Bear- 2h  (大約每年11/18-3/15供應;非草莓季時有無草莓版本)


半熟起司塔-Cheese Tarts- 2h

檸檬塔-Lemon Tarts- 2h

愛心滿滿蘋果派-Apple Pie- 2.5h


熔岩布朗尼-Lava Brownies (EN)– 2h

兔兔杯子蛋糕-Rabbit Cupcakes (EN)– 2.5h (平日限定)

檸檬小蛋糕-Lemon Shaped Cakes (EN)– 2.5h

草莓紅絲絨小蛋糕-Strawberry Red Velvet Cakes- 2.5h (大約每年11/18-3/15供應)

歡樂派對-Party Cupcakes- 2h

無敵星星-Mango Stars- 2.5h (大約每年5/1-7/31供應)


Q心芋頭酥-Taro Pastries (EN)– 2.5h

經典鳳梨酥-Pineapple Cakes (EN)– 2h

兔兔蛋黃酥-Yolk Pastries- 2.5h (平日限定)

