1. 本租借場地為自助使用場地,訂單號碼即為入場密碼。
Flow: 請掃門口QR code後輸入訂單號碼6碼解鎖,聽到門閂上彈聲音,防火門即解鎖,橫拉開門。(請注意,若沒有解鎖可能是防火門沒有關緊,請往前推緊讓門閂歸位後再解鎖即可開啟)
Mini Flow: 請觸碰喚醒電子鎖,輸入訂單號碼加*即可解鎖,向外拉開門。
2. 使用完畢後務必檢查燈、冷氣、門窗均已關閉才可離場,若造成損失或損壞需要照價賠償
3. 本場所若有緊急狀況請務必與我們聯繫,官方Line帳號@flowtaipei
4. 租借前請先註冊並登入,並在結帳頁說明租借用途。
1. 請先選擇欲租用時數,並選擇租用起始時間,並點選”立即預約”,即可加入購物車
Flow: 請掃門口QR code後輸入訂單號碼6碼解鎖,防火門即解鎖,橫拉開門。
Mini Flow: 請觸碰喚醒電子鎖,輸入訂單號碼6碼加*即可解鎖,向外拉開門。
1. Please select the number of hours you want to rent, select the starting time of the rent, and click 立即預約 (Book Now) to add to the shopping cart
2. Please go to the top right to find the shopping cart and click “Checkout”
3. Confirm the scheduled date and time, select payment type and complete the payment
4. After the payment is successful, the system will send a confirmation letter to your email
5. The order number plus * is the access control number. For example, the order number is 123456, please enter 123456* in the electronic lock, in Flow, please scan the QR code at the wall and enter order number.
6. Please enter 5 minutes before renting to avoid affecting the renter of the previous session