
Adults – 1 Ceramic Session 成人 – 1次陶藝創作體驗

NT$1,500 3 小時

【雲森陶作內容 | Ceramic Sessions】

常規成人陶藝創作體驗 Ceramic Session for Adult

Beginner will learn the basic ceramic skills with pottery wheel and hand-building techniques.   For more than 6 sessions they will learn to trim, glaze their pieces and finish up the whole process of making their own ceramic art pieces or handmade tableware.  The sessions will be adjusted according to each individual’s level, and we also provide customized sessions upon request.

【 時間 | Date & Time 】

A 星期三下午 Every Wednesday Afternoon   14:00-17:00

B 星期四早上 Every Thursday morning   09:00-12:00

C 星期日下午 Every Sunday afternoon  14:00-17:00

【 費用 | Fee 】

– 基礎入門體驗(單次)  One-off Session- NT$1,500
– 一期 6 次 6 Sessions – NT$7,800

◼◼ 費用含陶藝家指導、兩次燒窯費(素燒、釉燒)、基本釉料及工具。單次體驗包含兩件作品燒窯費,6次包含總素燒件數體積50X50X20CM內之燒窯費,於第六次上釉前測量,超過每件以長x寬x高x0.18為計。一期6次體驗套裝需於3個月內使用完畢。若報名六堂陶藝創作體驗,請在預約時段時將第五次及第六次間隔至少兩週以上,以利燒製。
◼◼ Price includes bisque & glaze firing, materials, tools.
Single session includes 2 pieces,  6 sessions includes total number of bisque pots within 50X50X20CM.  Additional piece will be charged by dimension( LXWXHX0.18/each),  Pots will be measured on the day of the glazing session.  Each period of 6 Sessions should be completed within 3 months.  If you sign up for 6 sessions, please make an appointment for at least two weeks between the fifth and sixth sessions to bisque firing.

【 備註 | Notice 】(陶作體驗前請務必閱讀以下信息!Please read the notice below before sign-up.)

  • 為顧及品質,雲森僅採小團體體驗,請於一周前預約,若期間須請假,請提前兩天告知,兩日內取消者,如無特殊原因,恕將照常記次。
  • 體驗套組限個人使用,不可轉讓,請於三個月內完成所有體驗次數,若有特殊情況請與陶藝指導協商。
  • 陶作體驗開始或結束前後一小時內可彈性於工作室創作,超過一小時將計為自主練習次數。
  • 可中、英語指導。不同程度可混合編班上課,將由陶藝指導依每位體驗者程度及需求個別提供指導。
  • 成人體驗年齡建議 14 歲以上,兒童體驗年齡建議6-14歲,若有其他需求可提前寫信詢問。
  • 另有提供客製化工作坊及活動,如有任何問題,請提前寫信詢問。
  • 大家務必共同維護工作室環境,請於創作後自行清掃與清潔工具並將其歸位。
  • 若因人數較多,為配合工作室燒窯與裝窯時間,陶藝成品取件需至少等候一個月,請耐心等候,謝謝!!
  • 所有價格為含稅價,並提供發票。
  • 退費須知: 若因招生不足、天災人禍影響(如:疫情),工作室可提供退費。其他個人因素需退費,於原預約的課程日七天前提出,可全額退費;五天前提出,可退費七成;兩天前提出,可退費五成,其餘工作室恕不提供退費服務,但可提供修改一次上課時段。課程開始使用後亦不提供退費。除上述比例費用外,退費皆會扣除「必要銀行手續費用及已開立發票之稅額」。有特殊情況,請告知人員提供協助。
  • 因工作室空間不足,土胚、素燒、釉燒作品僅供遺留最多一個月,一個月後未認領或未提前告知工作人員保留的作品,將由工作室撤除回收。
  • 作品燒製完成後,工作室提供貨到付款的寄件服務,包裝與寄件將酌收300元包材與手續費。
  • Pottery Experience session will be in Mandarin and English.
  • People of different levels would attend session together, session are not in a sequential order and will have new/individualized projects each week.
  • Please make appointments one week before the session to reserve your place, if you can not attend the session, please inform us 2 days earlier.  Canceling the session without special reason, the class will still be counted.  Thank you for your cooperation.
  • We only reserve places for who complete the payment and submit the online application in advance.
  • You are welcome to work one hour before or after the regular sessions, over one hour it will be counted as self practice session.
  • Age limit – Adult session : 14 years old and above. Kids session: 6-14 years old.
  • We also provide customized sessions, workshops and events.  For more information please contact us.
  • Pleas keep the studio clean and tidy, wash and return the tools after use and sweep the area you worked before leaving.
  • Everyone should follow the firing schedule of the studio, and It is possible to wait for at least one month to collect your pieces, we will inform you once the works are fired, thanks for your understandings.
  • All prices are tax included, we will provide fapiao.
  • Refund policy: The studio will not accept refund request except : 1. Insufficient numbers of enrolment 2. Natural disaster. For personal reason: 100% of the fee can be refunded if it is submitted seven days before the originally scheduled course date, 70% of the fee can be refunded if it is submitted five days before, and 50% of the fee can be refunded if it is submitted two days before. We provide students to change class time once. There is no refund after the course starts to use. In addition to the above proportional fees, refunds will be deducted from necessary bank charges and tax invoiced. In special circumstances, please let us know.
    Sample: If you booked class on Sunday, Thursday 24:00 is two days before, Monday 24:00 is five days before, and last Saturday 24:00 is seven days before.
  • Due to the limited space at the studio,  works (unfired and fired pots) should be finished and collected in one month, the works that are not claimed or notified to keep by staff will be removed from shelves.
  • After the works are completed, we provides a cash-on-delivery shipping service. The packaging material of 300 NTD will be charged for packing and shipping.
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