
雲森陶陶工作室 X 力野茶陶所 – 山河記-淺浮雕土版成型捏塑課|Cloud Forest Ceramics X Liiya Ceramic Craft Shop – Mountains and Rivers in Clay: Clay Relief Sculpting Workshop

NT$2,200 3 小時

  ▎雲森陶陶工作室 X 力野茶陶所 – 山河記-淺浮雕土版成型捏塑課|Cloud Forest Ceramics X  Liiya Ceramic Craft Shop –  Mountains and Rivers in Clay: Clay Relief Sculpting Workshop ▎





本次課程可以製作一件手捏陶器杯 + 一件盤,可以依照個人選擇製作出有把杯或無把杯,或是可以變形成茶海。
“Amidst the misty mountain landscapes, the grandeur of rivers, and the splashes of waves against massive rocks…”

Embark on a journey to the heights of the mountains, where the chilly morning waters of the streams envelop your calves, feeling the darting of small fish between your legs. Witness the towering stones before you, inhaling the misty vapor and the fragrance of mossy rocks, pondering how to capture the scenery before you.

In this workshop, we’ll explore the technique of clay relief sculpting using clay boards. Slowly peeling away the relief paper reveals the emergence of mountains and rivers. With the use of small clay stamps, we’ll add details like saplings, stars, and the moon, capturing the natural beauty nestled deep within the mountains.

Participants will have the opportunity to create a handmade pottery cup and a plate. They can choose to add a handle to the cup or leave it handle-less, or even transform it into a teapot, according to personal preference.

【力野茶陶所簡介 |  About Liiya Ceramic Craft Shop】
位於九曲巷內的百年古厝茶館與陶選品店 主理人為兩位製陶師。 製陶習茶養性,以茶會友,期望透過品茶的方式認識器皿,亦開設陶藝/工藝/修復等課程,推廣民藝用之美。
Located within the historic Jiuqu Lane, this century-old tea house and pottery boutique is managed by two skilled potters. Their philosophy intertwines pottery-making with tea culture, fostering camaraderie through tea gatherings. Their aim is to introduce participants to pottery through the art of tea, offering courses in pottery, craftsmanship, and restoration, all in an effort to promote the beauty of folk art.

【上課時間 | Date & Time】

 7/27 13:00-16:00

【 課程費用 | Fees 】

課程費用包含課程師資、工具、釉彩。The course fee includes instructor fees, tools, glazes.

→ $ 2,200/人(杯(約10*10*10公分)+盤(約13*7公分), 共兩件作品。

【 備註 | Notice 】


2 為讓活動按時開始,請提前到場報到。如遇到不可抗力的因素(如颱風)需延期,將會於活動前一天公告並個別通知。

3. 請確定課程時間後再報名,報名後課程可轉讓,恕不退還費用。
4. 燒製期間為4-8週,作品燒製完成後將個別通知現場取件(力野工作室),如需郵寄請於上課結束時告知講師,郵寄費另計。
5. 此次課程適合親子同行,歡迎兒童9歲以上家庭報名參加。
1. Limited to 12 participants, the class will proceed with a minimum of 10. Secure your spot by completing payment after form submission to ensure mutual commitment.
2. To ensure the event starts on time, please arrive early for check-in. In case of unforeseen circumstances (e.g., typhoon), any postponement will be announced a day prior.
3. Please confirm your availability for the workshop before registering. Once registered, the course is transferable to another person but non-refundable.
4. The firing process takes 4-8 weeks. Once completed, you’ll be notified for pickup. For shipping, inform the instructor at the end of class (shipping fees extra).
5.This course is suitable for parent-child participation. Families with children aged 9 and above are welcome to sign up.

【 上課地點 | Location 】

雲森陶陶工作室 Cloud Forest studio | 台北市士林區凱旋路25巷4號 No. 4, Ln. 25, Kaixuan Rd., Shilin Dist. 111, Taipei City
自捷運劍潭站搭乘紅5, 303, 260至山仔后派出所後下車步行5分鐘即可到達.
You can take buses: Red5, 303, or 260 from JianTan Station (YangMing Mountain Direction), and get off at SanZaiHou Police Station. The studio is a 5 min walk from the Police Station.

【 課程聯絡人 | Contact Person 】

Brenda Hu
Nico Tseng
E-MAIL: cloudforestcollective@gmail.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cloudforestcollective/

◼ 如有任何關於課程之疑問,歡迎來信或私訊臉書粉絲專頁詢問。
If you have any questions about the course, please contact us through email or facebook messenger.

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