
Adults – 10 Practice Session Voucher 成人 – 10 次陶藝自主練習券


【自主練習 | Practice Session】

自主練習旨在提供設備完善的陶藝空間讓陶藝家、有陶藝經驗及有獨立創作能力的成人自由創作。Practice Session allowed ceramic artists and experienced adults with independent creative abilities to work freely at a well-equipped ceramic studio.

  • 限成人,雲森陶藝家同意後才可報名 Restricted to adults, registration is only allowed with the consent of the CFC ceramic artist.
  • 僅供有經驗的陶藝者或已完成6次以上體驗之成人使用 For experienced ceramic artists or adults who have completed 6 or more sessions of pottery experience only.
  • 可於「非陶藝體驗時段」的週一至週日的上午8:00至晚上8:00 彈性選擇自主練習,期間可使用工作室工具與材料創作或練習,The available hours for Practice Sessions are from Monday to Sunday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, excluding the pottery experience sessions.  During this time, you can utilize the studio tools and materials for creative work or practice.
  • 費用:NT$500 / 5小時,10次自主練習為一單位,總計NT$5,000,並於使用前付款。A minimum purchase of 10 sessions is required, NT$500 per 5 hours, total NT$5,000, which must be paid in advance before usage.
  • 每次自主練習前,請於一天前私訊臉書或郵件告知雲森工作人員。Please notify studio staff one day before coming for practice session.
  • 每次自主練習包含場地使用費、工具使用及釉藥材料費,燒窯費另計 (長X寬X高X0.18)(單位公分)。秉持誠信原則,由使用者自行測量尺寸後於素燒前支付燒窯費。(工作人員將現場說明如何計算。) Fees include studio spaces, glazes and tools.  Firing fee is NOT included.  The firing fee is Length(cm) X Width(cm) X Height(cm) X0.18, the honor system will be followed, please measure the dimensions of the works by yourself and pay before bisque firing.
  • 所有使用者務必共同維護工作室環境,請於創作後自行清掃與清潔工具並將其歸位。All users should keep the studio clean and tidy, please wash and return the tools after use and sweep the area you worked before leaving.
  • 濫用工作室權益者,雲森有權利取消自主練習資格。Cloud Forest reserves the right to cancel your practice session if you don’t respect the regulation of the studio.

【 備註 | Notice 】(陶作體驗前請務必閱讀以下信息!Please read the notice below before sign-up.)

  • 若須請假,請提前兩天告知,兩日內取消者,如無特殊原因,恕將照常記次。Please make appointments one week before the session to reserve your place, if you can not attend the session, please inform us 2 days earlier.  Canceling the session without special reason, the class will still be counted.  Thank you for your cooperation.
  • 體驗套組限個人使用,不可轉讓,請於三個月內完成所有體驗次數,若有特殊情況請與陶藝指導協商。Practice Session is limited to individual use and cannot be transferred.  Please complete all sessions within three months.  In case of special circumstances, please consult with the ceramics artists
  • 成人年齡建議 14 歲以上。Age limit – Adult : 14 years old and above.
  • 另有提供客製化工作坊及活動,如有任何問題,請提前寫信詢問。We also provide customized sessions, workshops and events.  For more information please contact us.
  • 大家務必共同維護工作室環境,請於創作後自行清掃與清潔工具並將其歸位。Pleas keep the studio clean and tidy, wash and return the tools after use and sweep the area you worked before leaving.
  • 若因人數較多,為配合工作室燒窯與裝窯時間,陶藝成品取件需至少等候一個月,請耐心等候,謝謝!! Everyone should follow the firing schedule of the studio, and It is possible to wait for at least one month to collect your pieces, we will inform you once the works are fired, thanks for your understandings.
  • 所有價格為含稅價,並提供發票。All prices are tax included, we will provide fapiao.
  • 退費須知: 個人因素需退費,於原預約的課程日七天前提出,可全額退費;五天前提出,可退費七成;兩天前提出,可退費五成,其餘工作室恕不提供退費服務。自主練習開始使用後亦不提供退費。除上述比例費用外,退費皆會扣除「必要銀行手續費用及已開立發票之稅額」。有特殊情況,請告知人員提供協助。Refund policy: The studio will not accept refund request except : 1. Insufficient numbers of enrolment 2. Natural disaster. For personal reason: 100% of the fee can be refunded if it is submitted seven days before the originally scheduled course date, 70% of the fee can be refunded if it is submitted five days before, and 50% of the fee can be refunded if it is submitted two days before. We provide students to change class time once. There is no refund after the course starts to use. In addition to the above proportional fees, refunds will be deducted from necessary bank charges and tax invoiced. In special circumstances, please let us know.
  • 因工作室空間不足,土胚、素燒、釉燒作品僅供遺留最多一個月,一個月後未認領或未提前告知工作人員保留的作品,將由工作室撤除回收。Due to the limited space at the studio,  works (unfired and fired pots) should be finished and collected in one month, the works that are not claimed or notified to keep by staff will be removed from shelves.
  • 作品燒製完成後,工作室提供貨到付款的寄件服務,包裝與寄件將酌收300元包材與手續費。After the works are completed, we provides a cash-on-delivery shipping service. The packaging material of 300 NTD will be charged for packing and shipping.
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