
塔羅|海娜|寵物傳心預約 Tarot|Henna|Pet Comm. Reservation

NT$450 15 分

🌌 樹屋塔羅地點:塔羅咖啡@樹屋書店|樹屋咖啡|線上

⏰ 營業時間Business Hours

  • 塔羅咖啡Cafe de Tarot 13:00-23:00
  • 飛行樹屋咖啡B_loved Treehouse Bistro:11:30-24:00

💡 預約流程:

  1. 選擇日期與時間。
  2. 選擇服務項目:



🔮 樹屋塔羅 Tarot:NT$450 / 15min(一個問題)
🐾 寵物溝通傳心 Pet Comm.:NT$450 / 15min


  • 每週三、五:晚上 5:30 – 10:30 塔羅咖啡駐點

✨ 塔羅師CHIN可預約時段:

  • 全時段 @樹屋咖啡|塔羅咖啡|線上

🌟 塔羅服務 — 八年陪伴的故事
樹屋塔羅服務已有超過八年的歷史。這段時間裡,由塔羅師 Chin 與她的塔羅牌「小塔」,為無數人解答疑惑、洞悉未來。來樹屋咖啡算塔羅,已成為風城人的珍貴記憶。

Treehouse Tarot has been providing guidance for over eight years. During this time, tarot reader Chin and her deck, “Little Tower,” have helped countless individuals find answers to their questions and glimpse into the future. Visiting Treehouse Café for tarot readings has become a cherished part of the city’s memories.

現在,Chin 與塔羅師 庭星 一常駐在 Hsinchu Book & Bed 裡的塔羅咖啡廳。如果生活中有任何困惑,不妨來這裡透過塔羅探索心靈的聲音,尋找更多的內在指引。

Now, Chin and tarot reader Tíngxīng are often at the Tarot Café inside Hsinchu Book & Bed, offering insights to anyone with questions about life. Let tarot help you explore your inner thoughts and find deeper guidance.

📩 預約確認:成功預約後會收到 Email 通知。You will receive an email once your reservation is successful.
💳 付款方式:請於現場付款即可。Please pay in person at the venue.

