▍多元感官體驗:透過Color Circle Game、Pass the Noise、Environments等創意活動,讓孩子以視覺、聽覺和肢體動作感受表達的樂趣,提升感知能力
▍激發想像和創造:進行Storytelling Cubes、Categories、Comic Story等遊戲,培養孩子的故事創作能力和想像力,更加勇於表達和分享
「說故事」對於Caroline來說在她心中佔據非常特別的地位 — 從中學時代在舞台上演出到成年後的即興小品表演。Caroline相信,在說故事中有一種魔力,可以把我們帶到新的世界,幫助我們發展自己的想象力,並賦予我們以獨特聲音講述故事的力量。
Storytelling has always held a very special place in her heart — from acting on the stage since middle school to improv skits as an adult, to even participating in an entire theater production over zoom during Covid-19 and role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. Caroline believes that there is magic in storytelling that can transport all of us to new worlds, help us develop our own imaginations, and empower us to find the stories we can tell with our own unique voices.
Caroline studied at UC Berkeley, double-majoring in Peace and Conflict Studies and Political Economy with a minor in Public Policy. In their own ways, this is what attracted Caroline to these fields: change through storytelling! Caroline recently moved from California to Tianmu with her fiance!
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