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Music Explore 兒童音樂探索課 ( Mon. Evening)




張開耳朵 動動身體 搖搖屁股 音樂啟蒙從盡情玩遊戲開始

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti 音樂真的好神奇







Class Size 課程人數|4 -6 students (4人開班 Open Class for 4 Students)

*全英語授課 English Teaching Class

At least one parent is accompanied. 請至少一名家長陪同一起上課喔!

Please msg the student’s name/ age to BlastUp Line. 請Line好玩藝術學生英文名/年齡



Music Explore 讓您的寶貝在歡樂的氣氛中,透過說、唱、聽、玩遊戲的方式,發展對音樂的潛能,奠定紮實的音樂基礎能力,Music Explore著重在培養孩子的動作發展、社交能力、情緒、語言和智力發展,透過音樂為孩子建立自信並鼓勵孩子對音樂的創作想像力。

Music Explore enlightens kids’ basic musical ability and cultivates all aspects of literacy through speaking, singing, listening, and playing games,hurry up and start a fun world of music for your children!

Let’s explore the music together!

一起讓Muisc Explore 為孩子開啟一個好玩的音樂世界吧!

There are 5 things your child can learn from the class:

  1. Music Perception
  2. Improve memory and concentration through spiral learning
  3. Observation, creativity, teamwork, and knowing the importance of sharing
  4. Tonal and rhythmic competence
  5. Improve Eye-Hand Coordination and motor skills


  1. 對音樂濃厚的感受力
  2. 以聽與模唱的方式培養音準、節奏感等音樂基礎能力
  3. 訓練孩子聽力及四肢協調能力
  4. 螺旋式教學強化孩子的記憶力及專注力
  5. 培養孩子的觀察力, 創造力, 團隊合作能力及共享美德的養成
  • 推薦給學習樂器前的小朋友,培養對音樂的興趣及音樂基礎(音準、節奏感等) 基礎
  • 讓孩子在全英語環境中快樂學音樂



▍寶貝們的Showtime!課程最後,來一場”Animals Paradise"充滿自信的創意大呈現


♬ 比利時魯汶藝術大學木琴、擊樂劇場及室內樂碩士

♬ 美國加州打擊樂團及育音教育基金會海外打擊樂教師

自由打擊樂表演藝術者,比利時魯汶藝術大學木琴、擊樂劇場及室內樂碩士,師事Dr. Ludwig Albert教授。2019年起創辦ENJOY STUDIO並積極進行戲劇與音樂的跨界藝術,先後製作「醉生夢死」、「歸途」及「月光之下」打擊樂實驗劇場音樂會。



現為ENJOY STUDIO藝術總監、Podcast節目「音樂吹吹風」主持人、吃好的友善耕作合作藝術家、節慶長笛團特約打擊樂家。

♬  Leuven University College of Arts in Belgium, Master’s degree in solo marimba specialization, percussion theatre, and chamber music

♬ Percussion teacher of “The U Music Education Foundation” in California, USA.

Percussionist, she obtains her master’s degree in solo marimba specialization, percussion theatre, and chamber music at Leuven University College of Arts in Belgium, with marimba virtuoso Ludwig Albert. She is the co-founder of “The Belgian Marimba Group” and plays with famous marimbists Chin-Cheng Lin, Jelle Dewulf, Kjell De Raes, Siemen Van Gucht, and Juris Azers. Since 2019, she founded “ENJOY STUDIO” as the artistic director and holds a series of experimental percussion theater concerts. She had been invited as a guest professor of “The Ludwig Albert International Marimba Academy” in Belgium, Portugal, and Taiwan. She was the oversea percussion teacher of “The U Music Education Foundation” in California, USA.

Joy is also an international percussion event manager. She was invited as the executive director of “International Hong Kong percussion Convention”, the artistic secretary of “Taiwan Percussion Association” and executive secretary of “Universal Chinese Percussion Festival and Youth Percussion Competition”, the executive director of the “Universal Marimba Competition & Festival Belgium” and the jury president “International Percussion Youth Competition” and she is also the artistic consultant in several musical instruments company.

  • 請加入好玩藝術Line以便後續課程聯繫謝謝!Please be our Line Friend for any future questions.

BlastUp Arts 好玩藝術Line  (加入後請留言姓名/課程名稱 Please Line us your name and class name)

  • 確認開班後會另行通知, 若未達開班人數將退還費用.
  • 本課程僅提供現金(至教室繳交) & ATM 轉帳
  • 繳交報名費後即完成報名方保留名額
  • 若課程中間需要請假,有以下3種方式喔!
  1. 選擇同一週其他時間同課程補課
  2. 課堂中以錄影方式傳送給您. 可將問題傳送給我們請老師解答
  3. 老師 1-1  60分鐘課程方式補課 (需另補差價, 請洽櫃台)。


  • 退費規則照<台北市短期補習班設立及管理準則> 第六章第 24 條


  • We will promptly notify you once the class opening is confirmed. In the event that the number of students does not meet the class opening requirement, a full refund will be issued.
  • Please note that this course only accepts cash payments & ATM transfers. Once the registration fee is paid, your spot in the class will be reserved.
    1. Choose one of the following three options for a make-up class.                                                             1.  A video record of the class will be sent to you and the teacher will answer if you have any questions.    2. 60-minute 1-on-1 make-up class (additional price difference is required, please contact the counter)      3. Makeup classes for a leave taken during a group course must be scheduled within the same week as the week you took the leave.
    • Refund Policy: (According to Article 24 of Chapter 6 of “Taipei City Short-term Tuition School Establishment and Management Guidelines”)
  • (Please let us know the date when you may take a leave when you sign up for the class. Thank you)

    ※ If the teacher takes a leave, the class will assign another substitute teacher to teach the class. ( Except the emergency situation)

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