♪ We don’t talk about Bruno- From “魔法滿屋Encanto”
♪ Let it go — From “Frozen冰雪奇緣”
♪ Prince Ali— From “Aladdin阿拉丁“
♪How Far I’ll Go — From “Moana 海洋奇緣”
♪ Into the Unknown— From “Frozen2冰雪奇緣2”
♪ Under the Sea — From “The Little Mermaid小美人魚”
"Let it go, let it go!”—— 《Frozen冰雪奇緣》
8 堂歌唱課程,用全英文Disney歌曲展開一個全新的世界
Class Size 課程人數|4-6students (4人開班 Open Class for 4 Students)
Please msg the student’s name/ age to BlastUp Line. 請Line好玩藝術學生英文名/年齡
♪ We don’t talk about Bruno- From “魔法滿屋Encanto”
♪ Let it go — From “Frozen冰雪奇緣”
♪ Prince Ali— From “Aladdin阿拉丁“
♪How Far I’ll Go — From “Moana 海洋奇緣”
♪ Into the Unknown— From “Frozen2冰雪奇緣2”
♪ Under the Sea — From “The Little Mermaid小美人魚”
Week 1:
Warm-up /Animal Sound imitation / Solfege Singing (Kodaly Hand Signs) / Do Re Mi
暖身/ 模仿動物的聲音/ 視唱(哥大宜歌唱手勢) / Do Re Mi
Week 2:
Warm up / Buzz (Voice Range) / Solfege Singing (Kodaly Hand Signs) / Do Re Mi (review) / Edelweiss
暖身/ 嗡嗡聲(找出你的音域) /視唱(哥大宜歌唱手勢)/複習Do Re Mi/小白花歌曲
Week 3:
Warm up /How high you can be / Solfege Singing / Edelweiss (Review) / We don’t talk about
暖身/ 最高你能唱到哪裡呢? /視唱訓練/ 小白花歌曲/歌曲:We don’tt talk about Bruno
Week 4:
Warm up / Breathe (Staccato/ Legato) / Let it go
暖身/ 呼吸(連音/ 跳音)/ 歌曲:Let it go
Week 5: (Sherry老師代)
Warm up / Humm (Resonance) / Prince Ali
暖身/嗡嗡聲(練習共鳴)/歌曲: Prince Ali
Week 6:
Warm up / Vowels / Under the Sea
暖身/母音練習/歌曲: Under the Sea
Week 7:
Warm up / Dynamics / How Far I’ll Go
暖身/力度練習/歌曲: How Far I’ll Go
Week 8:
Warm up / How you perform on stage (Expression) / Into the Unknown
暖身/如何在台上表演(表達)/歌曲: Into the Unknown
♬ 美國明尼蘇達大學 聲樂演唱博士
♬ 美國曼哈頓音樂學院 聲樂演唱碩士
畢業於美國明尼蘇達大學(University of Minnesota)聲樂演唱博士,美國曼哈頓音樂 學院 (Manhattan School of Music) 聲樂演唱碩士,國立臺北藝術大學音樂系學士,曾參 與紐約 Opera America 演出,受 Mark Oswald、Michel S Caldwell 與 Songah Beak 指導, 奧地利 Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Music Festival 受 Renate Faltin 指導。聲樂師事於 李達人、藍麗秋、鄭琪樺、Mark Oswald、Amamya Nobuko、Wendy Zaro-Mullins、 Julian Wards、Jane Giering- De Haan 等教授。 曾於 L’incoronaione di Poppea中飾演 Drusilla,Die Zauberflöte 中飾演 Second Lady、First and Second Knabe,A Hand of Bridge 飾演 Sally,兒童音樂劇西遊記中飾演 孫悟空一角,在大學研究所期間參與多場 opera Scenes 演出,曾於 L’elisir d’amore 中飾 演Adina,Idomeneo 中飾演 Ilia,Werther 中飾演 Sophie等。2020 年獲選巴赫新聲音樂 會選拔並於2021年演出,同年獲選 UMN chamber choir 演出 St. John Passion女高音。 2019 年考取明尼蘇達大學聲樂演唱博士及在 Tedd Man Hall 演出 The Magic Flute Second Spirit 一角。2018 年於曼哈頓音樂學院舉辦聲樂演唱碩士音樂會並 連獲兩學期的 Dean list Award。2017 及 2018 連續兩年於紐約 Opera America 演出 歌劇 Die Zauberflöte 及 Così fan tutte。2016 年參與 NSO 跨年音樂會於國家音樂 廳演出仲夏夜之夢。2015 年指 導國立彰化高級中學流行音樂社並籌辦成果發表。2014 年參與 Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Music Festival 學生音樂會,同年考取並獲研究所 Brimingham Conservatorire 之 獎學金。 曾於美國紐約布魯克林 PS310 小學 (PS310 Elementary School, Brooklyn ) 擔任合唱 指導以及於 Tian Song Musical Art、Piano Verse Music School 等任教歌唱及鋼琴。也曾 在台北藝術大學期間修習教育學程及特殊教育學程,並於台北市關渡國中、彰化高中普 通班音樂課擔任實習老師及流行音樂社社團指導。 現為聲樂家協會會員、台中歌劇院 NTT 簽約合唱團歌手以及教授於國立彰化高中、彰化醫師暨醫師夫人合唱團等。
Yu-Chun Liu, Soprano, earned the Doctoral of Musical Arts (DMA) degree in the University of Minnesota, the Master of Music (MM) degree in Manhattan School of Music with a master’s degree in vocal performance, and the Bachelor of Music (BM) degree in Taipei National University of Arts. Opera roles include Drusilla in L’incoronaione di Poppea, Second Lady, First and Second Knabe in Die Zauberflöte, Ilia in Idomeneo, Sally in A Hand of Bridge, and the Monkey King in the children’s musical Journey to the West etc.. She once performed at Opera America in New York, which directed by Mark Oswald, Michel S Caldwell and Songah Beak, and attended and performed the soloist at the music festival from Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria, which directed by Renate Faltin. In 2020, she was selected as the Bach’s new voice and performed in 2021. In the same year, she also was selected as UMN chamber choir to perform the soprano of St. John Passion. Now, she is currently a member of the Vocalists Association, a choir singer signed by National Taichung Theater (NTT), an voice advisor in the National Changhua Senior High School, and the chorus director of the Changhua Physician and Physician’s Wife Choir.
BlastUp Arts 好玩藝術Line (加入後請留言姓名/課程名稱 Please Line us your name and class name)
(Please let us know the date when you may take a leave when you sign up for the class. Thank you)
※ If the teacher takes a leave, the class will assign another substitute teacher to teach the class. ( Except the emergency situation)