此外,他也是一位多才多藝的音樂家,在世界各地與數十位藝術家和樂隊演出,並積極參與當地的音樂社群。他為電視節目、商業廣告、紀錄片創作音樂,並曾在馬德里和倫敦的Emergenza國際音樂節上獲得最佳鼓手獎。他在馬德里的EMC和倫敦的BIMM學習,並獲得了優異獎。他在Rock School考試中取得了最高級別的成績。
Edu has been teaching music at Yamaha’s IMT school, Weimar music school, Pulso music school, FOSC (Chamberi’s symphonic orchestra) and many others as drums, cajon and percussion teacher and head of percussion department for more than 20 years, as well as teaching guitar, bass and piano.
He’s been involved in the creation and conduct of student bands, helping them to prepare to perform and develop through the music industry. He’s helped students from the early age of 3 to elder age (60+), as well as students with disabilities, to seed the ability to understand music and have fun with it, develop a sense of rhythm and fine-tune the ear to dip them into this fantastic world. He strongly believes in the importance of having fun throughout the process of learning music to avoid burnouts: “Only by loving music you’ll be willing to let it in your life”.
Other than this he’s all-rounder musician that and performing all around the world with dozens of artists and bands and very involved in the music community anywhere he is at. Has he composed music for TV shows, commercials, documentaries and he’s been awarded as the best drummer for Emergenza international festival both in Madrid and London. Studied in the EMC in Madrid and the BIMM in London and was awarded with merit. He’s got distinction in the highest level of the Rock School exam.
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