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Broadway Musical Vocal Class 百老匯選粹歌唱班


***Trial Class 體驗課 11/21 Mon.7:00-8:30pm. 體驗課登記: https://reurl.cc/7MnndD***

|7堂歌唱表演課 +2堂與專業鋼琴手彩排+ 1場與專業鋼琴手合作Broadway Musical Concert 演出|

此課程專給熱愛百老匯音樂劇 & 唱歌表演的你

由專業歌手 Ting茲珽 老師親自授課

“The Sound of Music真善美”、“Cat貓” 、 “Les Miserable 悲慘世界”、 “Mama Mia”、 “Chicago”



Class Size 課程人數|5-6students (5人開班 Open Class for 5 Students)


學習曲目 Songs you will learn: 

♪ My favorite things — From “The Sound of Music真善美”
♪ Memory — From “Cat貓”
♪ I dreamed a dream — From “Les Miserable悲慘世界”
♪ On my own — From “Les Miserable悲慘世界”
♪ Mama Mia — From “Mama Mia 媽媽咪亞”
♪ All that jazz — From “Chicago芝加哥”
♪ Roxie — From “Chicago 芝加哥”

Week 1
音樂劇與歌劇的不同/ 認識音樂劇唱腔 / 歌唱呼吸運用/ 歌曲: My favorite thing
Week 2
認識真音、混音、假音 / 歌曲:Memory
Week 3
音域探索/ 歌曲: I dreamed a dream
Week 4
Vocal break 換聲點/ 歌曲:On my own
Week 5
舞台表演- 眼神/ 歌曲:Mama Mia
Week 6
舞台表演- 肢體/ 歌曲:All that jazz
Week 7
舞台表演- 故事傳達/ 歌曲:Roxie
Week 8
舞台表演- 音樂性 / 歌唱大師班 / 與鋼琴老師彩排
Week 9
歌唱大師班/ 與鋼琴老師彩排
Week 10
Show Day!

♬ 紐約曼哈頓音樂學院 聲樂表演系

♬ 紐約皇后學院 爵士表演碩士

茲珽自幼學習鋼琴、小提琴及美聲。於曉明女中雙主修鋼琴及聲樂, 畢業後前往紐約曼哈頓音樂學院 Manhattan School of Music 就讀聲樂表演系,師事美國聲樂家 Joan Caplan。在紐約的薰陶下,茲珽接觸的音樂領域包含古典樂、音樂劇及爵士樂。並於2021年取得紐約皇后學院 Queens College 爵士表演系碩士學位。曾師事葛萊美獎提名爵士歌手 TheoBleckmann及Charenee Wade。並與鋼琴家 Jeb Patton 學習鋼琴。

2018在美籍指揮家 Kent Tritle 的帶領下加入紐約神劇團Oratorio Society of New York 擔任次女高音及世界前五大基督教堂聖約翰大教堂 Cathedral of St. John the Divine 擔任合唱團團員。同年首次登上紐約卡內基音樂廳。曾連續受邀至中華⺠國外交部駐紐約處演出系列音樂會。


♬ Bachelor’s degree in Classical Voice Performance from The Manhattan School of Music

♬ Master’s degree in Jazz at Queens College.

Tzuting Tsai is a vocalist and pianist from Taiwan. Embracing music at an early age, she began to sing and play piano at age five, and began violin studies at the age 10. As her confidence continued to grow, she began to gravitate toward genres such as Classical, Jazz, and Musical Theater.

She studied Classical voice with Joan Caplan and explored the Jazz voice with Kate McGarry and Theo Bleckmann. Through their teachings and Tzuting’s own enthusiastic dedication to her music, she blossomed into an expressive singer with her own unique signature style. Tzuting graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Classical voice Performance from the Manhattan School of Music. Master’s degree in Jazz at Queens College.

In 2018, Tzuting was an official member of the choir at Cathedral St. John the Divine Cathedral, as well as the Oratorio Society of New York. As a member of the Oratorio Society, she performed at Carnegie Hall. In 2017, she worked with MET opera soprano Susanna Phillips in Christmas Mass at The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine. Tzuting has also performed at numerous live concerts, private functions, weddings and services between Taiwan and New York.

  • 請加入好玩藝術Line以便後續課程聯繫謝謝!Please be our Line Friend for any future questions.

BlastUp Arts 好玩藝術Line  (加入後請留言姓名/課程名稱 Please Line us your name and class name)

  • 確認開班後會另行通知繳費, .
  • 本課程僅提供現金(至教室繳交) & ATM 轉帳
  • 繳交報名費後即完成報名方保留名額
  • 若課程中間需要請假,有以下3種方式喔!
  1. 課堂中以錄影方式傳送給您. 可將問題傳送給我們請老師解答
  2. 老師 1-1  60分鐘課程方式補課 (需另補差價, 請洽櫃台)。


  • 退費規則照<台北市短期補習班設立及管理準則> 第六章第 24 條


  • We will promptly notify you once the class opening is confirmed. In the event that the number of students does not meet the class opening requirement, a full refund will be issued.
  • Please note that this course only accepts cash payments & ATM transfers. Once the registration fee is paid, your spot in the class will be reserved.
    1. Choose one of the following three options for a make-up class.                                                             1.  A video record of the class will be sent to you and the teacher will answer if you have any questions.    2. 60-minute 1-on-1 make-up class (additional price difference is required, please contact the counter)      3. Makeup classes for a leave taken during a group course must be scheduled within the same week as the week you took the leave.
    • Refund Policy: (According to Article 24 of Chapter 6 of “Taipei City Short-term Tuition School Establishment and Management Guidelines”)
  • (Please let us know the date when you may take a leave when you sign up for the class. Thank you)

    ※ If the teacher takes a leave, the class will assign another substitute teacher to teach the class. ( Except the emergency situation)

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