Sherry 楊子瑄
Vocal 歌唱
【Language】 中文 / English
Master’s degrees in piano performance and vocal performance at Illinois State University
B.M. in vocal from the University of Taipei
【Teaching Philosophy】
Singing is an incredible and powerful activity. It is my desire to develop students into independent performers/ singers who finds freedom in vocal expression and stability in their technique due to being supported by reliable and healthy methods of singing. As a teacher, I intend to be a model performer and knowledgeable technician of the vocal production. As important as it is to develop a vocal technique that suits the singer’s needs. My goal is to communicate fundamental concepts of the body that lead to health, expressive, and efficient vocal production and process for all level. My teaching is informed by past learning experiences, and regular study and communication with leading music professionals in health, science, and pedagogy.
女高音,楊子瑄,畢業於台北市立教育大學音樂學系,美國伊利諾州立大學獲全額獎學金雙主修聲樂演唱及鋼琴演奏碩士。聲樂師事藍麗秋副教授、謝佳蓉副教授、男高音Thomas Studebaker;鋼琴師事吳梅玲老師、王秀婷老師、郭淑慈教授、丁心茹副教授、Tonnu Tuyen。曾受Helene Schneiderman、Patricia Shreidan、Yvonne Redman等大師指導。因受到”the naked voice”一書啟發,開始與作者Stephen Smith 教授學習,也在台開始講習聲樂身心放鬆相關議題講座。曾參與美國中西部歌劇團青年藝術家計畫,演出奧芬巴哈的霍夫曼的故事、吉特與薩利文的龐贊斯大海盜、普契尼的強尼史基基、普契尼的波西米亞人、史特勞斯的蝙蝠、莫札特的唐喬望尼。現為東引國中小代理音樂教師。教學期間,除了指導學生參與歌唱比賽之外,於2023年由連江縣政府藝文補助推廣計劃贊助於東引介壽堂舉辦個人獨唱會。
Tzu-Hsuan Yang, a singer and a pianist, leads an active life as an educator and performer in Taiwan. She has given singing voice heath lecture in Taiwan. She finished her master degrees in piano performance and vocal performance at Illinois State University in 2020. She received her B.M. of vocal from the University of Taipei in 2016. She attended at Salzburg International festival and learned in Mezzo-soprano Helene Schneiderman’s studio in 2015.
She is part of the Midwest Institution Opera (MIO) as an emerging singer. She also performed “The tale of Hoffman” and “The Pirates of Penzance”, “La Bohème”,” The bat ”, and “Don Giovanni” with MIO in Illinois where she learned in the master class with Dr. Patricia Sheridan.
She studied voice with Yao-zheng Chen, Li-Chiu Lan, Chia-Rong Hsieh. She has been studying vocal with Mr. Thomas Studebaker. While singing takes up the bulk of her stage time, she still got the chance to share her piano skills. She enjoyed accompanying fellow singers in performance and loved being a pianist during 2016-2017 in the hospital. She studied piano with May-Ling Wu, Yao-Zheng Chen, Shiu-Ting Wang, Thomas Linde, Shu-Chi Quo, and Joanna Ting and Dr. Tonnu Tuyen.
Bonnie 劉昱均
Vocal 歌唱 (古典 &流行) / 兒童歌唱 / 幼兒歌唱
【Language】中文/ English
美國明尼蘇達大學 聲樂演唱博士
The Doctoral of Musical Arts (DMA) degree from the University of
美國曼哈頓音樂學院 聲樂演唱碩士
The Master of Music (MM) degree in Manhattan School of Music in
vocal performance
畢業於美國明尼蘇達大學(University of Minnesota)聲樂演唱博士,美國曼哈頓音樂 學院 (Manhattan School of Music) 聲樂演唱碩士,國立臺北藝術大學音樂系學士,曾參 與紐約 Opera America 演出,受 Mark Oswald、Michel S Caldwell 與 Songah Beak 指導, 奧地利 Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Music Festival 受 Renate Faltin 指導。聲樂師事於 李達人、藍麗秋、鄭琪樺、Mark Oswald、Amamya Nobuko、Wendy Zaro-Mullins、 Julian Wards、Jane Giering- De Haan 等教授。 曾於 L’incoronaione di Poppea中飾演 Drusilla,Die Zauberflöte 中飾演 Second Lady、First and Second Knabe,A Hand of Bridge 飾演 Sally,兒童音樂劇西遊記中飾演 孫悟空一角,在大學研究所期間參與多場 opera Scenes 演出,曾於 L’elisir d’amore 中飾 演Adina,Idomeneo 中飾演 Ilia,Werther 中飾演 Sophie等。2020 年獲選巴赫新聲音樂 會選拔並於2021年演出,同年獲選 UMN chamber choir 演出 St. John Passion女高音。 2019 年考取明尼蘇達大學聲樂演唱博士及在 Tedd Man Hall 演出 The Magic Flute Second Spirit 一角。2018 年於曼哈頓音樂學院舉辦聲樂演唱碩士音樂會並 連獲兩學期的 Dean list Award。2017 及 2018 連續兩年於紐約 Opera America 演出 歌劇 Die Zauberflöte 及 Così fan tutte。2016 年參與 NSO 跨年音樂會於國家音樂 廳演出仲夏夜之夢。2015 年指 導國立彰化高級中學流行音樂社並籌辦成果發表。2014 年參與 Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Music Festival 學生音樂會,同年考取並獲研究所 Brimingham Conservatorire 之 獎學金。 曾於美國紐約布魯克林 PS310 小學 (PS310 Elementary School, Brooklyn ) 擔任合唱 指導以及於 Tian Song Musical Art、Piano Verse Music School 等任教歌唱及鋼琴。也曾 在台北藝術大學期間修習教育學程及特殊教育學程,並於台北市關渡國中、彰化高中普 通班音樂課擔任實習老師及流行音樂社社團指導。 現為聲樂家協會會員、台中歌劇院 NTT 簽約合唱團歌手以及教授於國立彰化高中、彰化醫師暨醫師夫人合唱團等。
Yu-Chun Liu, Soprano, earned the Doctoral of Musical Arts (DMA) degree in the University of Minnesota, the Master of Music (MM) degree in Manhattan School of Music with a master’s degree in vocal performance, and the Bachelor of Music (BM) degree in Taipei National University of Arts. Opera roles include Drusilla in L’incoronaione di Poppea, Second Lady, First and Second Knabe in Die Zauberflöte, Ilia in Idomeneo, Sally in A Hand of Bridge, and the Monkey King in the children’s musical Journey to the West etc.. She once performed at Opera America in New York, which directed by Mark Oswald, Michel S Caldwell and Songah Beak, and attended and performed the soloist at the music festival from Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria, which directed by Renate Faltin. In 2020, she was selected as the Bach’s new voice and performed in 2021. In the same year, she also was selected as UMN chamber choir to perform the soprano of St. John Passion. Now, she is currently a member of the Vocalists Association, a choir singer signed by National Taichung Theater (NTT), an voice advisor in the National Changhua Senior High School, and the chorus director of the Changhua Physician and Physician’s Wife Choir.
Suzanne 任書欣
Jazz Vocal / Musical for Kids 爵士歌唱 / 兒童音樂劇
【Language】中文/ English / Deutsch/le français
【Teaching Philosophy】
I believe in the power of music in expressing human emotions. Through music, I will help students to first learn to actively listen, then explore all the emotions various songs bring them before leading them on a journey to discover how to express all these feelings through music.
近年除了演出音樂劇、舞台劇,亦活躍於兩岸三地爵士現場,不時與亞洲知名爵士樂手共同演出,如:Eugene Pao、Teriver Cheung、Kerong Chok、Jezrael Lucero、Scott Dodd、Nicholas Bouloukos、Bob Mocarsky、Patrick Lui、Wong Tak Chung、葉賀璞、黃子瑜⋯⋯等等。
除了歌手身份之外,書欣的專業領域橫跨英法文教學、廣告配音、歌曲配唱、多國語言 (中英法德) 活動主持、(中英法) 雙向翻譯 (文字、現場口譯)、舞台劇以及音樂劇。現居台北、香港兩地,參與各種型態演出、工作。
Julian Moreen
Jazz Piano / Vocal
【Language】German / English
Berklee College of Music, Piano Performance
【Teaching Philosophy】
I tailor all of my lessons individually to each of my student’s interests, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Whether the student likes to learn jazz, pop, Latin, or blues, my goal is to teach the underlying principles of improvisation, harmony, groove, technique, and musicality that enable my students to find their own unique voice in any style of music. The key is an efficient and fun practice routine and a sharp ear with which one will become one’s own best teacher at home and make big steps even with the limited time we all have in a busy world. I guide my students on their exciting journey of exploration, self-discovery, and creativity.
Julian Moreen, a German piano educator, and performer is proficient in bilingual teaching in German and English and has accumulated a lot of international teaching experience, including in the United States, Taiwan, Germany, Switzerland, and other countries. In recent years, he has been often invited to National Donghua University, National Tainan University of the Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Taichung University of Education Department of Music, and music institutions have served as jazz piano lecturers, and Singapore, Malaysia, and other countries have held master classes and lectures to teach jazz and jazz piano.
The award-winning teacher Julian Moreen is not only a jazz pianist but also involved in the fields of singing and songwriting. The music styles that the teacher is good at are also quite varied. In addition to Jazz, it also covers Folk (folk), Funk (funk), Indie Pop (indie music), Rock (rock), and other styles. He participated in many musicians’ live performances and Music production and performance footprints have spread across Germany, the United States, the Czech Republic, Singapore, Malaysia, Slovakia, and other regions. Currently active in the Taiwan jazz circle, participating in performances and teaching.
德國籍鋼琴教育家、演奏家 Julian Moreen 朱利安老師,精通德語及英語雙語教學,並累積許多跨國教學的經驗,包含美國、臺灣、德國、瑞士等國家,近年來經常受邀至國立東華大學、國立臺南藝術大學、輔仁大學、南臺科技大學、國立臺中教育大學音樂系、音樂機構擔任爵士鋼琴講師,以及星加坡、馬來西亞等國家,開設大師班及講座,教授爵士樂及爵士鋼琴。
屢獲獎項殊榮的 Julian Moreen 朱利安老師除了是一名爵士鋼琴家外,更涉略了歌唱以及詞曲填寫創作的領域。老師擅長的音樂風格也相當多變,除了Jazz 爵士樂外,更涵蓋 Folk(民俗)、Funk(放克)、Indie Pop(獨立音樂)、Rock(搖滾)等曲風,參與許多音樂家現場演出及音樂製作,演出足跡更跨足德國、美國、捷克、星加坡、馬來西亞、斯洛伐克等地區。目前活躍於臺灣爵士音樂圈、參與演出及教學。
Ting 蔡茲珽
Vocal 歌唱 / Piano 鋼琴
【Language】中文/ English
紐約曼哈頓音樂學院 聲樂表演系
Bachelor’s degree in Classical Voice Performance from The Manhattan
School of Music
紐約皇后學院 爵士表演碩士
Master’s degree in Jazz at Queens College
茲珽自幼學習鋼琴、小提琴及美聲。於曉明女中雙主修鋼琴及聲樂, 畢業後前往紐約曼哈頓音樂學院 Manhattan School of Music 就讀聲樂表演系,師事美國聲樂家 Joan Caplan。在紐約的薰陶下,茲珽接觸的音樂領域包含古典樂、音樂劇及爵士樂。並於2021年取得紐約皇后學院 Queens College 爵士表演系碩士學位。曾師事葛萊美獎提名爵士歌手 TheoBleckmann及Charenee Wade。並與鋼琴家 Jeb Patton 學習鋼琴。
2018在美籍指揮家 Kent Tritle 的帶領下加入紐約神劇團Oratorio Society of New York 擔任次女高音及世界前五大基督教堂聖約翰大教堂 Cathedral of St. John the Divine 擔任合唱團團員。同年首次登上紐約卡內基音樂廳。曾連續受邀至中華⺠國外交部駐紐約處演出系列音樂會。
Tzuting Tsai is a vocalist and pianist from Taiwan. Embracing music at an early age, she began to sing and play piano at age five, and began violin studies at the age 10. As her confidence continued to grow, she began to gravitate toward genres such as Classical, Jazz, and Musical Theater.
She studied Classical voice with Joan Caplan and explored the Jazz voice with Kate McGarry and Theo Bleckmann. Through their teachings and Tzuting’s own enthusiastic dedication to her music, she blossomed into an expressive singer with her own unique signature style. Tzuting graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Classical voice Performance from the Manhattan School of Music. Master’s degree in Jazz at Queens College.
In 2018, Tzuting was an official member of the choir at Cathedral St. John the Divine Cathedral, as well as the Oratorio Society of New York. As a member of the Oratorio Society, she performed at Carnegie Hall. In 2017, she worked with MET opera soprano Susanna Phillips in Christmas Mass at The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine. Tzuting has also performed at numerous live concerts, private functions, weddings and services between Taiwan and New York.