Ming 楊茗
Violin 小提琴
【Language】中文/ English
Royal Birmingham conservatoire, Bachelor of music (Hons).
Violin 小提琴
【Language】中文/ English
Royal Birmingham conservatoire, Bachelor of music (Hons).
Violin 小提琴
【Language】中文/ English
Piano Teacher – FreshStart Music Studio, Irvine, California &
Tustin Music Center, Tustin, California, USA
Colorado State University, Music Therapy Specialization
National Taiwan Normal University, Music Major
自幼於台灣學習古典音樂並精熟鋼琴與小提琴演奏,於國立台灣師範大學音樂系畢業取得 演奏學士學位後,為了想學習更多的知識與探索世界,赴美國科羅拉多州州立大學 (Colorado State University)攻讀研究所並取得美國國家音樂治療協會認證證照(Music Therapy Board Certification)與音樂治療碩士(Master of Music, Music Therapy Specialization)學位。 研究所畢業後於美國南加州工作三年,第一年於非營利組織Creative Identity, Anaheim擔 任年度公演總監、音樂治療師、音樂教師及弦樂部指導教師,幫助許多發展障礙成人達成個 體目標與學習樂器演奏,並提供音樂治療課程/音樂課程設計、指導室內樂與規劃成果發表 會、亦與音樂教師、生活技能導師、美術教師合作協助個案達成個別化目標。 後兩年結合工作經驗與所學,於 FreshStart Music Studio, Irvine 與 Tustin Music Center, Tustin 兩所音樂學校擔任音樂教師並擁有將近百位學生,針對每一位學生的特質 客體化設計課程與教學目標,教授鋼琴與小提琴課程、協助課程規劃、工作坊、與成果發表 會,啟發對音樂有興趣的孩子與成人們,踏上一條探索藝術之美的道路。 2022年夏天,回到家鄉台灣,希望能幫助更多莘莘學子,在學習音樂的道路上提供一盞明 燈、激發更多的創意讓藝術與音樂成為生活中不可或缺的一部分。 除了豐富的音樂教學經驗以外,在非營利組織以及音樂教室的管理經驗與良好的中英語溝 通能力常獲學生高度評價,目前亦從事兼職翻譯與留遊學特約顧問等相關工作。
Ellie Lu got her Bachelor’s degree in music performance from National Taiwan Normal University for both piano and violin. She also has a Master’s degree in music therapy from Colorado State University. After finishing her Master’s degree, she worked as a music therapist and string instructor for a year at Creative Identity, Anaheim, a non-profit organization in Southern California to help individuals with disabilities and special needs to reach their goals and teach them to play and make music. For the next 2 and half years, she combined her training as a music therapist and as a piano and violin performer to work as a music teacher in 2 music schools in Orange County, California, including FreshStart Music Studio in Irvine and Tustin Music Center in Tustin. She continued to help students to explore the beauty of music, customized their lessons to reach their personal goals, and inspire students to challenge themselves creatively through music. Furthermore, she received excellent reviews for her fine communication skills and for satisfying the needs of customers and clients through being a music educator and an executive manager in non-profit organizations and music schools. Besides being an experienced music teacher, she is also a freelance translator and overseas educational consultant. Ellie finds music such a powerful tool to support people physically and mentally. She had coached students in a wide range of ages and levels including individuals with disabilities and special needs. Every student impressed Ellie with different talents and ideas and inspired her to customize her teaching method to each student. She also encourages students to understand themselves musically with independent thinking and cultivate their ability to reach goals. She believes that everyone has their own musicianship in different ways!